my new little toy

Show us your pneumatic spud gun! Discuss pneumatic (compressed gas) powered potato guns and related accessories. Valve types, actuation, pipe, materials, fittings, compressors, safety, gas choices, and more.

what do you think?

coolest homemade mine you've ever seen
It sucks give me 2 days and I'll have one better
OMG! I'll dance naked for that mine(jk lol)
Total votes: 16
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Sat Jul 11, 2009 9:51 pm

pressure activated means when you step on it it blows
i cant make plunger surface bigger because the holes will be blocked and then the paint won't mark them
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Sun Jul 12, 2009 6:35 am

yes you can. Redrill holes at angles, an put in 8 an make them smaller. Thee angle will help, but the smaller holes increase pressure. Cover more area.

Another reason why trip wires are better. Nobodys foot can cover it all
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Sun Jul 12, 2009 7:10 am

Pretty nice. The only problem I see with it (If I understand how it works correctly) is that it is essentially running on unregged CO2, which is quite high pressure and cold when it is released. In PVC that's not such a great idea. (I understand the holes let it vent instantly but if you are unlucky there's the potential for somthing to go wrong). Also how securely held is the moving bit that holds the CO2 cartriage? Last thing you want is it to fly off and hit somone (again, I may be misunderstanding the mechanism here).

Other than that nice job!
I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges.
Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think I've forgotten this before.

Add me on msn!!!
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