Sorry... I guess I do require a picture then.Fnord wrote:I don't know how much more clearly I can state it without a picture.
My internal piston is not stepped, it looks much like that in your original drawing. The piston simply pushes forward, so that it when it hits the barrel fitting, the main piston moves backwards and cracks open.
My piston is going to slam into my spring... but I don't think I'll have an issue with bottoming out, since the spring is closed and ground on both ends, and its OD is the ID of the spaces, and the ID of the spring should the the OD of the internal piston... sadly not leaving any room for a spacer without compromising the integrity of the valve components.
Oh wait... if it slams forward into the barrel fitting or whatever before full compression of the spring, doesn't that prevent "slamming" to some degree?