This page is for my various thoughts and theories related to an automatic or semi automatic bb gun that I am currently building, bearing that in mind this page will be continuously updated as new ideas come to mind.
[youtube][/youtube] This idea sprung to mind when I was looking at some past threads related to copper canister guns (most of them by jsr), I thought that by incorporating every job that needs to be done into the bolt mechanism it would allow a fully automatic gun (see video) the diagram shown in the video has one hell of a lot of parts missing from it, this is because it would have took too long to animate all of them but I have thought about them ( ask if you are not sure about the mech, I will probably post some more vids related to this as nearly none of my mech has been covered just my "revolutionary" idea)
feel free to drop a comment if you have any suggestions/asks any help or comments are welcome.
Yeah they both work on essentially the same cartridge design, except mine is trying to go full auto in its loading and firing mechanism.
and like you I also have an addiction (if thats what it could be called ) to seeing copper cartridges fly
cammyd32 wrote:Yeah they both work on essentially the same cartridge design, except mine is trying to go full auto in its loading and firing mechanism.
In that case, an externally powered chambering and ejecting mechanism is definitely in order. Good luck, it isn't an easy task, but the results are worth it
Last edited by jackssmirkingrevenge on Tue May 17, 2011 7:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
hectmarr wrote:You have to make many weapons, because this field is long and short life