Solenoid Rifle

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Sat Feb 05, 2005 12:28 pm

<div align="center">SOLENOID RIFLE

Provided By - <a href=" ... selite/</a>

This was the FIRST (funny, huh?) pneumatic cannon that I built. I saw the design on and realized that the cannon would have to be modified (A LOT), to get it to my own personal safety requirements and specifications. I later saw the one on the XArchive and decided I liked that design well enough to build it. I went out and got the materials, built it and it sucked (a MAJOR leak), so I salvaged what I could and built a new one. I modified all the other versions since mine has one air chamber, a gauge and air compressor hookup, and I used different electronic stuff and different items for the breech loader. This is the cannon that should be built by an experienced person, as there are many joints and places that could leak, blow out, etc. It takes a long time to build and costs a higher price than the previous pneumatics. Nevertheless, I like this cannon because

- It is electronically activated
- It is pneumatic
- It is breech-loading
- It LOOKS like a rifle
- It packs a punch

I could go on with more, but you get the idea.

The Rifle laid out before construction, with only the chamber fully assembled (only since I salvaged it from the earlier version. The fittings are there to show you where they go and how to connect them. In a 3/4" fitting, there is 7/8 of an inch, from the opening to the pipe stop. So, when you need two fittings to go together, you cut off a piece of 3/4" pipe that's 1-3/4" in length. Glue it into the first fitting, measure and cut it off the excess, then glue in the final fitting.

Now all pieces glued together, threads sealed with Teflon seal tape. After completion, a wooden brace should becustom built to hold the chamber and barrel apart. The brace should keep the stock from breaking, and holding the thing solidly together.

The old gauge I used in my rifle. Its a 0-100 PSI gauge with a 1/4" male connection. I am now using a 0-100 PSI oxygen gauge that I got at a welding shop. Its made from brass, and it also has a 1/4"" male connection. Instead of the end cap/bike tire idea, I used a "test" gauge that I ordered. It came with a Tire Valve, Gauge, and a steel fitting with female threads for each, plus it had 3/4" female threads on the end. I attached this to the end of the chamber instead of using a cap.

Total Cost: ~$25.00
Overall Cost: ~$60.00 +/- what your need/already have.

Notes on Assembly:

It should be pretty self-explanatory on how to assemble this air cannon. Prime and cement all joints just like in the pictures, and you better make sure they all go straight. One method of achieving this is to first glue the fitting onto the pipe, then quick jam the whole assembly down against a table, turning the fitting just enough to get it straight. The other method is to test slide the fitting onto the pipe (before you use glue), align it where you want, then draw a little mark with a pen somewhere on each side. When you glue it, turn the fitting until the marks line up. Electronics should be wired in series, and soldered for efficiency.

Provided By - <a href=" ... e</a></div>
rifle_large.jpg (15.63 KiB) Viewed 12458 times
rifle_beforeconstruction.jpg (4.2 KiB) Viewed 12458 times
rifle_large822.jpg (12.65 KiB) Viewed 12458 times
Here's a close-up of the stock on the gun. It fits comfortably into the shooter's shoulder, and the stock keeps the battery box from being accidentally turned off. The back half of the stock isn't even pressurized. I used gold dollars as stoppers to keep
Here's a close-up of the stock on the gun. It fits comfortably into the shooter's shoulder, and the stock keeps the battery box from being accidentally turned off. The back half of the stock isn't even pressurized. I used gold dollars as stoppers to keep
New Guage
New Guage
rifle_newgauge.jpg (2.25 KiB) Viewed 12458 times
Old Guage
Old Guage
rifle_oldgauge.jpg (3.62 KiB) Viewed 12458 times
Last edited by PCGUY on Fri Mar 10, 2006 10:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Tue Mar 01, 2005 12:29 am

Nice thats the exact same rifle im building havnt finished it yet god job i have a couple of questionsfor you if you dont mind
bottom barrel size
breech how to make it air tight??
and how far does it shoot

tahnks for your time
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Sat Mar 26, 2005 10:48 am

To make this gun, go to <a href="">PVC Ballistics</a>

To make the seal for the bolt action breech loader, use a rubber O-ring/Rubber washer. if u cant find one, make one. :D
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Sun Oct 09, 2005 1:34 am

i like the gun at the verry top.what kind of valve did u use for that
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Sun Oct 09, 2005 7:14 am

I tried something new for my breech loader. I saw all you guys with the problem with the o rings and i got a bushing and shaved it down so it would fit inside of the coupling now the barrel comes back and fits inside the bushing instead of the o ring or washer and it works great.
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Sun Oct 09, 2005 9:02 am

That's exactly the same method I used on my sniper.
Never had a leak with it.
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Tue Oct 11, 2005 3:10 am

i was going to make that same sort of gun mut it was going to cost me $200 so i scraped it.
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Tue Oct 25, 2005 3:18 pm

cool cannon!! you could add a laser sight to the front :lol:
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Tue Oct 25, 2005 5:39 pm

DAltar wrote:cool cannon!! you could add a laser sight to the front :lol:
I hate when people do this. :!: Do you freakin realize that this gun was posted over 8 months ago? You come on here and say "you should add a laser sight" if you had any idea you wouldnt post because you would realize this guy is long gone. Second of all I dont even think this guy posted the gun, PCGUY did. I dont know what it is but when these people come on here reply to a WAY old topic and say something stupid like "Dude! you should totally upgrade to a triple reinforced stainless steel barrel, dude. There only like 5 billion bucks on ebay."
It seems like this is your noobs typical first post and almost half the posts are replys to old cannons. Sorry for the rant just annoyed.
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Sat Feb 18, 2006 12:02 am

nice gun, looks like the the shotgun on 8) 8) matrix[/b]
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Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:20 pm

I agree with pimpmann, I get annoyed when I post a cool idea and then the next post is simply, "i don't get it."
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Sat Feb 25, 2006 12:06 am

it can get annoying. but life as a tendancy to bite you in the @$$ now and again :D
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Sat Jun 03, 2006 3:22 pm

8) nice gun im making a bunch and setting them all for paintball8)
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Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:52 am

this is going to sound abd but dowes andyone know a really cheap way to make a gun?
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Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:53 am

im just a kid and i dont have alot of money
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