This is my old copper spudgun which I built last year.
It's been up on UKSGC for a while now but I've only just got around to posting it here (sorry).
The barrel is 15mm and is 42" from muzzle to safety valve. The chamber is 22mm.
There seems to be a tradition of copper spudguns here in the UK and this spudgun follows suit.
It has a home-made, barrel sealing piston valve made from a bolt, some washers and a couple of rubber tap washers. The small spring allows it to be pressurised through the schrader on the end of the chamber. As you can see, it's all got a bit shitty in there over time.
Any comments, queries, praise or criticism welcome.
Hopefully, I will be getting some more materials / parts in the near future and I intend to build more using some QEV's I have on order.
My old copper spudgun
hey, its the original UK long rifle! just kidding, its a really nice gun.
the only thing i would have done diffeerently is i would have turned the piston valve 90 degrees and used it as a stock, that would have made it more manureable and you wouldnt need as many fittings.
its a really nice gun and im building on kinda like it, but not as long. very very nice.
the only thing i would have done diffeerently is i would have turned the piston valve 90 degrees and used it as a stock, that would have made it more manureable and you wouldnt need as many fittings.
its a really nice gun and im building on kinda like it, but not as long. very very nice.
"physics, gravity, and law enforcement are the only things that prevent me from operating at my full potential" - not sure, but i like the quote
you know you are not an engineer if you have to remind yourself "left loosy righty tighty"
you know you are not an engineer if you have to remind yourself "left loosy righty tighty"
Yeah, my old fella (who isn't with us any more) christened it the "buffalo gun".hey, its the original UK long rifle! just kidding, its a really nice gun.
This was my first spudgun (but not my last) and to be honest it didn't really occur to me since I didn't have the experience. Since then I've been looking and learned several things from many different examples. Hopefully, my next ones will be a step forward in terms of design and maybe power.the only thing i would have done diffeerently is i would have turned the piston valve 90 degrees and used it as a stock, that would have made it more manureable and you wouldnt need as many fittings
Last edited by Slugfoot on Fri May 04, 2007 10:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
- mega_swordman
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Well, it certainly is long. Looks kinda funky to hold with the rest of the gun so far forward. I don't know, maybe I'm just overreacting and/or really bad at guestimating lengths relative to people.
"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity." George S. Patton
^ Thanks.
In retrospect, I should have done the valve in 28mm instead of 22mm. The reason for this is that I would have been able to use a bigger piston face and opening time would have improved. Having said that, the one on it works quite well. And I learned quite a lot from building it.
In retrospect, I should have done the valve in 28mm instead of 22mm. The reason for this is that I would have been able to use a bigger piston face and opening time would have improved. Having said that, the one on it works quite well. And I learned quite a lot from building it.
He soldered them together using plain endfeed fittings.
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what kind of ammo does it use and also it would be nice to see some damage pics
Hello again.
It's strange to be posting here again after all this time. I was prompted to visit back again after coming across a few (potential) airgun parts I came across during a clear out and got all nostalgic about my old copper spudgun (whereabouts now unknown).
Anyway, what I came across was a selection of qev's (M5, 1/8", 1/4", 1/2" and a 3/4"), an assortment of brass fittings, a presure gauge (300 psi) and some other stuff like schrader valves, etc. In fact, most of the parts needed to build a nice 3/4" bullpup (and more). So, I thought I'd start slowly gathering what further parts I need to complete one (I'm kinda poor these days) and ordered one of these for use as a trigger:- ... t-blow-gun
It's supposed to fit behind whatever air tool you're using so you don't have to go switching tools to blow off your work area, or whatever.
I was attracted by the neat push-button design and that wheel on the side that presumably switches between the airtool line (refill valve) and the blowgun nozzle. This could be a handy feature in that (if I'm right) it would act as a safety and also negate the use of a ball valve to stop the gadget going off when removing the pump from the schrader valve...(I kinda have a variation of Hotwired's excellent 'Copperhead Prime' design/configuration in mind here....
Ammo ranged from spud pellets to 1/2" paintballs at really low pressures. I recall that the paintballs swerved quite alarmingly due too spin picked up in the barrel. At higher pressures (generally 150 - 200psi), paintballs would just turn to mush. Ball bearings (.38 with a wad worked well) batteries with tape around, etc..
Sadly, no damage pics. There aren't even any pics of the above airgun that I know of.
Hello again.
It's strange to be posting here again after all this time. I was prompted to visit back again after coming across a few (potential) airgun parts I came across during a clear out and got all nostalgic about my old copper spudgun (whereabouts now unknown).
Anyway, what I came across was a selection of qev's (M5, 1/8", 1/4", 1/2" and a 3/4"), an assortment of brass fittings, a presure gauge (300 psi) and some other stuff like schrader valves, etc. In fact, most of the parts needed to build a nice 3/4" bullpup (and more). So, I thought I'd start slowly gathering what further parts I need to complete one (I'm kinda poor these days) and ordered one of these for use as a trigger:- ... t-blow-gun
It's supposed to fit behind whatever air tool you're using so you don't have to go switching tools to blow off your work area, or whatever.
I was attracted by the neat push-button design and that wheel on the side that presumably switches between the airtool line (refill valve) and the blowgun nozzle. This could be a handy feature in that (if I'm right) it would act as a safety and also negate the use of a ball valve to stop the gadget going off when removing the pump from the schrader valve...(I kinda have a variation of Hotwired's excellent 'Copperhead Prime' design/configuration in mind here....
For what it's worth after all this time...SPUDMASTER91 wrote:what kind of ammo does it use and also it would be nice to see some damage pics
Ammo ranged from spud pellets to 1/2" paintballs at really low pressures. I recall that the paintballs swerved quite alarmingly due too spin picked up in the barrel. At higher pressures (generally 150 - 200psi), paintballs would just turn to mush. Ball bearings (.38 with a wad worked well) batteries with tape around, etc..
Sadly, no damage pics. There aren't even any pics of the above airgun that I know of.