For centuries, people have quarreled over this question.

Meaningful discussion outside of the potato gun realm. Projects, theories, current events. Non-productive discussion will be locked.

Which owns which?

Poll ended at Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:49 pm

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Sat Jun 09, 2007 9:42 pm

pyromaniac wrote:
jrrdw wrote:Hey, i just noticed the little report a post button is gone.
Hey, this is a spud gun website.
Hey, this is getting old.
Hey, one more hey, and i'm in trouble!
A either it was abused or b cash used it on pc guy.
Abused. Some guy managed to report like 742 posts...I got alot of emails that day...
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Sat Jun 09, 2007 10:15 pm

you didnt even include a pig as an option, pigs are the best animals ever. they act just like humans when they wake up in the morning.

and i agree, i dont have a cat avitar bacause im tired of it. one or two people is ok, but i think that there is actually more talk about cats than cannons here. spudfiles was never like this until a few weeks ago, up until then its was litterally all cannons with a few fun things in the off topic section, nothing that took over the whole forum. my point has been expressed, chew me out if you must, i probably wont check back to see.
"physics, gravity, and law enforcement are the only things that prevent me from operating at my full potential" - not sure, but i like the quote

you know you are not an engineer if you have to remind yourself "left loosy righty tighty"
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Sat Jun 09, 2007 10:40 pm

I completely agree with hi. The cats thing was OK for a day... I didn't mind 20 people having cats in their avatar. But when it started to be brought up in random threads, and when people started threads about it? That had crossed the line.

I mean come on... this is a frigging spudding forum! Honestly, you can post all the random stuff over at Theopia, and it will be accepted. Spudfiles was at its peak a week after Spudtech closed, because all relevant ideas and threads pertaining to spudguns were being posted. Now all of this cat bullshit...

I wish that no offtopic discussion was allowed... whether it be actual things (like fixing dirtbikes, building other things, etc) or bad (cats...), just so people could focus on spudguns instead.

When I used to log on to spudfiles, I'd click the active topic button, and read every thread with the exception of maybe one or two (and those were the crappy threads, talking about random stuff). Now, I only read one or two QUALITY threads, and the others I ignore, cause they are BS like this.

What do you guys think? Should we let the randomness continue and allow Spudfiles to degenerate into a forum overwhelmed with people talking about things which frankly no one wants to hear about, and should be at Theopia anyways, or can we cut the bullshit and allow Spudfiles to be a spudgun forum?
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